Thursday, March 09, 2006

Early Frontrunner for Moronic Quote of the Year

Every year, I compile the most inane and idiotic quotes uttered by this allegedly human race, with the intention of posting the dumbest quote at year's end. Unfortunately, 2006 had so far been slow on the idiot quotient, leading me to wonder if the world had suddenly gone smart.

Wonder no more, as here is the first of what I sincerely hope will be many dumbass quotes for 2006...

(Dan approaches the hostess at Hibachi's)
Dan: Hi, my party isn't here yet, but I would like to reserve a table.
Hostess: Sure, how many people will be in your party?
Dan: I believe five.
Hostess: And would you like to be seated together or separately?

No wiseass remark from me could possibly justify what she said, so I'll just end it here.

Until next time...


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