I Went to AC and All I Got Was This Lousy Fly Swatter
Normally when I venture to Atlantic City with Mike and/or company, I blog about how the Price is Right Slot is/isn't my bitch or how we ingrained visions of a naked Wilfred Brimley into the heads of an unassuming toll booth collector. While Mike and I continued to cement our place in Hell by still partaking in such activities yesterday, we found what will assuredly be our newest twisted pastime: taking pictures of really funny shit in dollar stores. So in my last blog of 2006, please allow me to take you through Dan's Photo Album of Phun (tm).
Our adventure starts here (though I'm admittedly not sure what a gift nut is)...

Mike and I made our way to the back of the store, where we entered an area that apparently warrants its own section...
FYI -- There was not one single seashell for sale. Say those last words real fast five times.
Unfortunately, they were sold out of the Middle Management Sniper Rifles
Now I know that part of the "allure" of a dollar store is finding generic ripoffs of name-brand products. But when you have to rip off a board game that hit its peak popularity in 1987...well... that's just plain sad.

When I perused through the other faux games of board, I initially thought to myself, "Wow, I'm shocked there's no Hungry Hungry Hippos ripoff." A turn to the next endcap quelled that surprise rather quickly...

After thanking God that some Malaysian sweatshop worker didn't bother with a Dizzy Dizzy Dinosaur knockoff, we sauntered over to the next section which...well...doesn't really necessitate an explanation...

When I perused through the other faux games of board, I initially thought to myself, "Wow, I'm shocked there's no Hungry Hungry Hippos ripoff." A turn to the next endcap quelled that surprise rather quickly...

After thanking God that some Malaysian sweatshop worker didn't bother with a Dizzy Dizzy Dinosaur knockoff, we sauntered over to the next section which...well...doesn't really necessitate an explanation...

Now, I admittedly never had a sweet tooth, so I wouldn't quite consider myself a candy aficionado. However, Mike and I spent a good amount of time afterwards trying to wrap our heads around this one...
I can't even think of a witty caption. It's been 24 hours since I first saw this, and I'm still staring at this picture in disbelief.

From the "Completely Lame Gag" department...
I'm sure the Mrdheao Man would be proud
Now, if you ever decide to dust off your old Tandy and get stuck on how to get past that alien in the East Corridor, this strategy guide should be of great assistance...
Two points of interest: there were about 60 of these and the copyright date? 1994.

Until next time...

Someone thinks quite highly of the woman who birthed him...

Also proven to be effective for swatting Jeff Goldblum (dated 1980s movie reference)

And with that, I bid you (and 2006) adieu.I am now about to present the crown jewel of my dollar store photo collection. This product is the absolute epitome the unbridled cheesiness of the All-American Indian-owned discount store...

Until next time...