Monday, January 15, 2007

What Dan Learned (Week Ending 1/13/07)

Batten down the hatches, boys and girls. It's learnin' time...

* Creating Miis of Bob Ross is a perfectly acceptable pastime. Sharing said creations with others over Wii's network is a way to allow your friends into your happy little world. Bob would have wanted it that way...

* One's improv skills can come quite in handy when an individual (who we'll just call Stan) shows up to a surprise party the same exact time as the person for whom the party is thrown. Stan's inate ability to not panic, stutter, or piss himself should also be lauded...

* "Seeing the Press Your Luck slot machine" has replaced "getting married" as my top life goal..

* I'm going through major "Heroes" withdrawal...

* If you ever have a strange urge to fear for your life, I strongly encourage you to visit the McDonald's in front of Granite Run Mall...

That is all.

Until next time...


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