Monday, November 08, 2004

What I Learned Last Week...

It's time to resurrect my profile staple, where I share with the world (a/k/a, the people on my buddy list) what I learned within the last 7 days...without the lame 1076-character confines of AIM. Well, technically 9 days, since I'm doing this on Monday out of sheer weekend laziness. So without any further adieu, I present...


What I Learned Last Week...(en espanol sea disponible)

  • 59 million people can't be wrong...unless those 59 million people happened to vote for George W. Bush (I'm sorry...I couldn't resist)...
  • Singing the "Full House" theme on AIM with your cousin = instant comedy...
  • Playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas automatically cements your (my) place in hell...
  • Giving your (my) Grand Theft Auto character a blonde afro, joke glasses, and boxer shorts with hearts on them automatically cements your (my) place in a mental institution...
  • I have been through Houses of Mirrors less convoluted than the new Super WaWa parking lot...
  • Seeing Santa Claus in the mall during the first week of November is just wrong...
  • My boss still thinks she's the only person on earth who gets spam...
  • The best way to win a $50 gift card at a store meeting is to cheat your ass off...
  • Having a 2-9-1-1 record in NHL 2005 online is just beyond unacceptable...
  • Having a 60-hits-per-game average in NHL 2005 online makes one feel better about having said 2-9-1-1 record...
  • Always wipe off the exercise equipment when you're done with it lol...

That is all.

Until next time...